The Bible
The Saints
Long ago, in an ancient era of humanity, an advanced civilization known as the Aetherials (Saint’s) thrived on every continent. They possessed an incredible knowledge for the development of a super sensory organ that could crystallize in the chest, referred to as the Heart of a Saint. With this organ, they unlocked the secrets of the universe and traversed the ethereal realms, bringing back profound knowledge and insight to enrich the world. The Saints had schools for inner development and lived free from death, old age, or disease, creating a Utopian society of peace and harmony.
The Saints worked together, seamlessly blending art, music, and technology into creations that were not only stunningly beautiful, but also practical and infused with a heavenly essence. Their advanced technology was powered by a profound connection to the divine, enabling them to perform seemingly miraculous deeds. Their society was a beacon of hope and inspiration, showcasing the boundless potential of humanity when guided by enlightenment and devotion.

In our modern era, some Saints are believed to still exist, appearing in times of need to help those in prayer, aid the less fortunate, heal the sick, and offer guidance. There are numerous accounts of people encountering Saints in various forms, such as dreams, visions, or miraculous events. Some feel a deep spiritual connection to these enlightened beings through prayer, meditation, or other spiritual practices.

The Heart of a Saint
The Heart of a Saint can be thought of as the ultimate manifestation of spiritual attainment. It grows through the materialization of the conscious breath during prayer and meditation.
After many years of dedicated effort and practice, the breath becomes more refined and focused, enabling the absorption of Higher Matter into the body. This absorption signals the formation of a small organ that begins to grow in the solar plexus, under the thymus.
This Higher Matter is composed of enlightened consciousness, a refined energy that operates beyond the physical laws of our world. As the Heart grows, it vibrates at higher frequencies, serving as a conduit for its possessor, connecting them to the infinite power of the divine. This connection allows individuals to tap into spiritual energy and manifest supernatural abilities.
Upon reaching full maturity, the Heart solidifies into an impenetrable crystalline structure, extending life indefinitely and enabling an eternal existence in the higher ethereal worlds beyond mortal life.
Although the Heart of a Saint may seem fantastical to some, it is deeply rooted in many ancient spiritual traditions and continues to be a topic of study and exploration for modern spiritual seekers.
Vampires History
A young Saint named Malachor, rebelled against the arduous path of enlightenment, as he was disillusioned by its slow progress. He turned instead to dark alchemy, experimenting with blood rituals and forbidden science to extract the spiritual essence from living beings.Through horrifying and torturous methods, he discovered that the anguish and suffering of his victims triggered the release of spiritual energy, which he termed the quintessence of the human spirit, later known as adrenochrome
This essence granted him spiritual power faster than the Saints who relied on conscious energy from the air. As his addiction to blood consumption grew, he turned to feeding on humans to satisfy his insatiable cravings. He took pleasure in the act of torturing his victims in long, twisted ceremonies, as their fear and suffering enriched the blood. Among all the blood he consumed, the most prized was that of innocent children, for its potent properties.

As Malachor consumed more blood an organ, known as the Gem of Immortality, began to form in his chest. But instead of connecting him to divinity, he had become possessed by an inter-dimensional demon. This demon amplified Malachor’s dark desires and fueled his thirst for more power as his experiments became more horrific, and his victims more numerous. He soon began to transform into a vampiric entity, growing venomous fangs that allowed him to bite his victims to spread his influence. This led to the creation of a legion of followers who reveled in his sadistic ceremonies and worshiped the inter-dimensional demon as a god, referring to it as the Supreme Being.

Together, they formed an army and waged war against the Saints across many planes of existence. After a long and bloody conflict, Malachor emerged victorious and claimed power over the world. As the Gem of Immortality fully crystalized within him, he merged with the Supreme Being, transforming into an incomprehensible cosmic entity, and vanishing into the ethereal realm.
The sacred teachings were obliterated as humanity descended from a state of grace and enlightenment into one of chaos and ignorance. The Vampiric Legion exerted their dominion over humanity, operating from the shadows, exploiting them to build their empires and feasting upon them like an unsuspecting herd of cattle. As time progressed, they relentlessly pursued technological advancements, driven by their desire to open a portal into the ethereal realm to enable the entry of the Supreme Being, thus establishing open and absolute dominion over humanity. Today, in our modern era, they are on the brink of realizing their sinister goal, as their plans draw closer to fruition.

The Vampire Mafia
Unbeknownst to humanity, there are millions of vampires scattered throughout the world. Many can be found living in destitution, occupying homeless encampments or living on the streets in makeshift shelters.
The Blood Mob has thousands of Count’s, stationed all over the world, each managing their own network of dealers who distribute blood, and a fleet of collectors (also known as the Men in Black) who enforce the code of conduct among dealers and buyers. The victims become lifelong customers under the reign of the Blood Mob as they do not want to kill but need the blood to survive.
The Dealers offer different tiers of blood concentrate, the highest is known as the Sauce. This extract is rich in adrenochrome, which can only be extracted through fear, torture, and suffering. The blood concentrates can be consumed through smoking, ingestion, injection, or vaporization for immediate effects.
The Mob caps its members' fangs in silver and clips the venom ducts of other vampires to prevent them from multiplying. Additionally, every vampire is implanted with a microchip that allows them to be tracked.
The Blood Mob often targets military personnel for their combat expertise. They start as Dealers and must prove their trustworthiness, loyalty, and ability to handle the added responsibility that comes with advancing to the level of Collector. The ultimate goal of a Collector is to follow orders and move up the ladder, eventually becoming a Count then ascending to the higher ethereal realms. These vampires, although they no longer age, can be killed if they are stabbed in the chest, It is only when the Gem of Immortality is fully crystallized that they become truly Immortal. Each stage is granted greater rations of sauce to establish their hierarchy and enable them to evolve more rapidly as they ascend through the ranks.

1. Dealer’s
Dealer’s are often forced into this position against their will. They possess little knowledge or power and must follow orders without question. They live in tents alongside the other homeless vampires and wear sunglasses equipped with a camera and earpiece to stay in constant communication with the Collectors.
The Gem of Immortality gradually consumes their humanity, leaving them fully possessed and ready to ascend the ranks. This transformation is a prerequisite for gaining the trust of their superiors and proving themselves worthy of becoming a Collector.
2. Collector’s
Collectors, also known as the Men in Black, are responsible for carrying out the Count's dirty work. This includes abducting victims to be drained, performing hit jobs, and collecting money from the dealers all while while enforcing the vampire code on the streets. In return, they receive more blood rations and are allowed to evolve faster than the dealers. Collector’s have lost all of their humanity, as the Gem of Immortality has taken root within them. They are entirely devoted to the supreme being, and strive only to fulfill it’s master plan.
The leader of the Collectors is known as the Sergeant. When the current Count ascends, the Sergeant will move up the ladder and take his place. The Sergeant is the only Collector permitted to show his face, while the rest must wear black masks symbolizing the loss of their human identity and their initiation into the vampiric life.

3. Count’s
The Count’s oversee the entire operation and have gained significant knowledge, power, and psychic abilities thanks to the endless supply of blood at their disposal. They are more advanced than the other vampires, but they are still mortal. To reach the final stage of their evolution the Gem of Immortality must become fully crystalized within them.
4. Ascended Being
As the gem of immortality completes its crystallization, the Count undergoes a profound transformation into an ascended being of pure energy. Their physical bodies dissolve into a swirling mass of light and shadow, granting them the ability to move seamlessly between dimensions and traverse the multiverse with ease. They can even warp the fabric of space-time according to their desires, evolving into cosmic entities beyond the limits of the physical world.

Supreme Being
The Supreme Being emerges as a transcendental demonic entity, birthed from the boundless depths of the primordial darkness that envelops the universe. Serving as a formidable counterbalance to the forces of light and order, he relentlessly pursues dominion over every galaxy.
His unyielding thirst for power propels him to conquer countless realms, initiating his conquests by subjugating a solitary planet within each galaxy. Through his sinister allure and manipulative prowess, he ensnares the inhabitants of these worlds, gradually bending them to his will and extending his influence.
Leveraging the incremental technological advancements of his conquered domains, he engineers intricate portals, facilitating the spread of his malevolent essence across galaxies and permeating new realms with his darkness.
The Supreme Being harbors an audacious ambition—to challenge and ultimately overthrow the established cosmic order, cementing himself as the unchallenged ruler of the entire universe.
Ethereal Realm
The ethereal realm is often referred to as a higher plane of existence, beyond the physical world. It is believed to be a realm of pure energy, consciousness, and light where the laws of physics and limitations of time and space are
Here, boundless creativity thrives, and one's desires can manifest through sheer willpower. Although not perceptible to the naked eye, through spiritual development and practice, individuals can learn to access and experience this higher plane of existence. The Saints, in particular, have established a civilization in this realm where they can oversee humanity and answer the calls of those in need.

Within the boundless and infinite ethereal realm, there exists a counterpart, a region of darkness where demonic entities and malevolent forces reside. This hellish domain is often associated with suffering, pain, and torment, and is ruled by an evil entity known as the Supreme Being.
The Saints and the Vampires are said to have engaged in fierce battles within this realm, transcending the constraints of space and time. These battles are of immense significance, as the outcome could determine the fate of not just the ethereal realm but also the physical world.